Category: Sweetener


MRP. ₹372/- 

   Amount. ₹ 260 /-  Discount :₹112/-


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This Honey is collected by professional beekeeper, who is experienced and well trained in extraction of Raw Honey from Honeycombs. He is very close with bees and have very good understanding about bees. He looks after proper food and water arrangements for the bees, proper medical care and freedom to express normal behavior of bees.Multi Flora Honey is a multiple flavor honey which has been collected from Indian forest region which are far away from urban areas and free from pollution, pesticides, antibiotics and other chemicals.

Honey Bee’s RAW HONEY

  • Bee collect the sweet nectar & pollen from the flower within a radius of around 4 miles and this nectar will then be taken to the hive (honeycombs).
  • This nectar has moisture around 70%.
  • he bees have glands which draw an bee enzyme and organic acid.
  • Nectar is mixed with the bee enzyme and the nectar is passed on one bee to another to enrich with more bee enzyme, and the excess water is partially withdrawn.
  • The moisture content is reduced to around 18% and now Honey is formed and this is fully ripened honey.
  • Once the honey is ripe, the bees seal the honeycomb with a wax lid.
  • After completing this natural process by bees. The bee keeper recognize fully ripen honey by the wax lid covering the honey combs. When the hives feel nice and heavy, and honeycomb is completely sealed, the bee keeper will begin collecting the honey.

Sieving the honey

The honey is sieved by traditional method to remove wax bits, large lumps of pollen and other impurities. The smaller particles of pollen and the necessary enzymes remain inside the honey.

The ripening process

The honey is left to sit in a closed container for 4 to 6 days. All foreign particles get settle down and air bubbles rise at the surface. After removing the layer of foam from the surface, we get a crystal clear honey.

100% Natural Quality

  • Trueway Farms’s honey is 100% raw, natural, unfiltered and unprocessed honey. We don’t heat or pasteurize, it is rich in all beneficial nutrients, enzymes, pollen, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Natural honey have a tendency to crystallize. Which may occurs in every type of honey. Crystallisation of honey is a completely natural process.
  • The crystals prove itself that this is high quality natural honey and has not been processed. It means nutritious pollen and necessary enzymes have not been damaged by pasteurization.
  • The crystallisation is influenced by lower temperature less than 12 degree centigrade, time and frequency in which the honey is stirred.
  • Crystallised honey can be made slippery smooth by warming the jar in warm water but temperature does not exceed 35 degree centigrade.

Note :- Never do this in a microwave oven as this will overheat the honey and destroy all nutritious enzymes and vitamins.


  • No Added Sugar
  • No Corn Syrup
  • No Wheat Syrup
  • No Rice Syrup
  • No Antibiotics
  • UnPasteurised
  • UnHeated
  • UnFiltered

Benefits of Natural Raw Honey

Natural Raw Honey contains several antioxidant enzymes including glucose oxidase, catalase, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phenolic acids, organic acids, amino acids and proteins, which reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes, cancer, cataracts and ageing process.
  • Natural Raw Honey contains antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Natural Raw Honey promotes melatonin hormone, which is responsible for deep sleeping.
  • Natural Raw Honey improves good cholesterol HDL levels and lower the bad cholesterol LDL & triglycerids levels, which keeps our heart healthy.
  • The Glycemic Index (GI) of honey is lower i.e 54-59 than GI of sugar i.e. 105 that means it produce lower blood glucose level in our body, helping to burn fat and avoid weight gain.
  • Natural Raw Honey enhance our immunity power, brain growth and digestive enzyme efficiency.
  • Natural Raw Honey decrease oxidative stress in our brain and helps to reduce the constipation.
  • Natural Raw Honey is good for sore throat treatment.
  • Natural Raw Honey is rich in vitamin C, B2, B3, B5, B6 and minerals like Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc.
  • Natural Raw Honey is a good healing agent for burns and also a good antiseptic agent.



  • It can be mixed in slight hot tea or milk instead of sugar.
  • It can be consumed directly one or two tea spoon as it is everyday.
  • It can be used as natural sweetener in sweet dishes instead of sugar.        


Honey has many medicinal properties but it can also turn dangerous if it is mixed with wrong ingredients which are not compatible with honey and produce toxic compound & cause health problem.
  • Do not mix ghee & honey in equal quantites.
  • Do not combine radish and honey.
  • Do not add honey to non vegetarian food.
  • Do not add honey to boiling hot water.


  • Nutrition Information : Serving size: 100g
  • Energy Value : 305K cal
  • Natural Sugar : 78g
  • Carbohydrates : 80g
  • Protein: 0.3g
  • Sodium : 4mg
  • Potassium :50mg
  • Calcium :12mg
  • Iron : 1.5mg
  • Phophorus : 4mg
(Approx Value)


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